Hatikvah - A Blog About Life in Rabbinical School

Matt and Jen's blog about their adventures while Matt is in rabbinical school. Hatikvah, the name of the Israeli national anthem, means "the hope." This blog reflects their many hopes and adventures about their experiences during this process.

Monday, June 19, 2006

D'Nile Is Not Just in Egypt

Sorry, couldn't help myself. Matt always laughs at even the corniest geography jokes :)

I have the most serious case of denial that I have ever experienced. Even though I'm sitting in the airport, near the gate, my mind just can't quite fathom why I'm here. As I sit here, my mind is trying to ignore the inconceivable notion that Matt and I are headed to Israel for a year by re-conjuring some past event to focus on. So, to stay in this cloudy state of unreality, my mind has decided that I'm going on a two week vacation in New York.

Day dreaming about NY, my mind starts wandering and I think about going to the MET, eating at a kosher deli, and visiting Matt's cousin who is going to school in NY. And what wonderful Broadway play are we going to see?

Then it hits me. I'm not going to New York. But my mind just can't quite grasp that we are going to London. And Israel, well, that is just completely out of the question.

When is this going to seem real?


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