Hatikvah - A Blog About Life in Rabbinical School

Matt and Jen's blog about their adventures while Matt is in rabbinical school. Hatikvah, the name of the Israeli national anthem, means "the hope." This blog reflects their many hopes and adventures about their experiences during this process.

Monday, November 13, 2006


The photo above shows a nice dry, windy summertime day when close would be dry within hours of putting them on the clothesline in the hot summer sun. However, now the weather is a bit more moist and, it's even raining occasionally. Thus, it can take a few days for clothes to dry and for items like sheets - it's highly inconvenient to dry them on the clothesline. We needed to use a dryer and fortunately, there's a cleaners nearby where one can drop off laundry.

So, last week I took the sheets and pillowcases off the bed and took them to our nearby dry cleaners/laundry place and attempted to drop them off for their same-day cleaning. The owner hesitantly accepted my bag of sheets and pillowcases but then handed it back and told me that it didn't weigh enough. Apparently, there's a flat rate for five kilograms of laundry. The owner would let me pay the flat rate for less than 5 kg of laundry. It was very thoughtful of him, in the typical Israeli fashion. Nonetheless, isn't often that I can get to the cleaners' after they don't open until the later hour of 7 a.m.

So, today I took a larger load to the cleaners that I thought was about 5 kg. The guy at the counter took my bag and told me that my sheets, jeans, and sweatshirts might be ready today. So much for same-day service! He told me I could call him after 5 p.m. to see if he was able to get my laundry done. After class and evening services, I rushed back before 7 p.m. and indeed, the clothes were done and I was thrilled to have fully washed sheets, jeans, and sweatshirts!


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