Hatikvah - A Blog About Life in Rabbinical School

Matt and Jen's blog about their adventures while Matt is in rabbinical school. Hatikvah, the name of the Israeli national anthem, means "the hope." This blog reflects their many hopes and adventures about their experiences during this process.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Seriously Messed Up Timing

We didn't experience much jet lag when we were in California. Although we would get up early (around 5 am) and get tired starting around 5:30-6 pm, we quickly figured out that if we took a quick nap we would be good for the whole day.

However, now that we are back in Israel, my body's timing is completely off. For instance, after sleeping for three hours last night, I woke up at 3 am and stayed up until I konked to sleep at 9 am. Then I slept pretty solidly thru the entire day and woke up at 4:30 pm. After grabbing a bite of food out of the fridge, I then promptly fell back asleep until I finally woke up at 8 pm.

It's now 2:30 am and I'm still up. Even though Matt's schedule isn't quite as crazy as mine, he decided to take a sleeping pill because he couldn't fall asleep. For me, I'm worried that I won't get tired until 5 am and then will officially have my day and nights confused.

Although I like the peace and quiet of the middle of the night, it's dark out, no one is up to talk to, and I can't go walk around town or get out of the house. I hope my body will get back on schedule, because this is getting confusing. For instance, when I get hungry, I have no idea what to eat -- should I be craving eggs and toast or chicken and potatoes?

How did my body's timing get so completely out of whack anyway?!


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