Page 474
We started using this textbook on July 3 and have covered every single page within in it and, hypothetically, learned every vocabulary word in it as well (I do have a few outstanding flash cards that need to be studied a bit). Upon completion of this book, we get to move to the next book which moves us from being in Hebrew Aleph (the first level) to Hebrew Bet.
It took five months but I've come a heck of a long way in knowing the language. I remember looking at page 479 when I first received the textbook and thinking that there was no way I'd ever be able to understand the text on that page. So I just opened it to see and I was able to translate the first line of what I know can tell is a long poem easily (I wake up in Hebrew in the morning, I think and I write.), without a dictionary. Wow!
When I receive my Hebrew Bet textbook, I will look at the last page and surely think that it will be impossible to understand as well. Overall, while I'm really happy with my vocabulary, ability to talk and understand Hebrew at this point, I'm not so thrilled with my reading speed when I read out-loud in class - I feel like I ought be faster so I suppose it's definitely something I should just practice a bit more on my own.